Friday, July 15, 2011

Is this a good way to be a future parent?

Hi, I'm a guy who isn't married yet or have a child. I was wondering if I should just raise my kids without giving them any toys or spoil them with anything in their younger years so they will be grateful for what they have. I will never yell at them, insult them or physically punish them. I will want to focus a lot on their education and become really smart(not by learning a lot of knowledge but by being creative). I will also let them exercise and play a lot of sports so they don't become full blown unfit nerds. I won't let them watch television too much. I will let them socialize but also make it clear that they have to stop participating in certain activities when I tell them to(or give them the initiative to) . Overall, I don't want them to make the same mistakes I made(being lazy), or even make the mistakes that most modern kids/teenagers make.

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